
Home work 003

1. Do you judge people according to what they wear? Why?
I don't judge what they wear.
Because, I think its freedom and we can wear any clothes what we want depends on TPO or our conditions.

2. Do you think Japanese society puts an importance on clothing when judging other people from another country?

I don't really thik so.
Because, usually we know people from foreign countries wear the clothes acording to their culture. But, Japanese people are quite strict to their clothes.

3. What colors are you wearing now? Do they reflect your mood?

I'm wearing a sweat and pants.
It's my pajama style.
I'm really sleepy now beacause of my sleeping styles.


Home work 002

1.Death and Funerals:

a. Do you have any international friends or a host family?

No, I don't have any.

If not, then how would you express condolences to an American host family if their Grandmother died?

I'll do nothing to them, maybe send some flower.

b. Have you ever been to a foreign funeral?


2. The language of Clothes (preparation for next weeks topic):

a.Why are Japanese designer label crazy?
Why is what you wear so important?

Maybe, jeans??

b.What does “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” mean to you?

Read inside. ??


Home work 001

a. Where do you go when you die?

we'll go to heaven when we died.
But, actually we're going to have laid to rest in the cemetery..

b. Explain why do Japanese have death memorial services 1 month, 1 year, 3 years, 7 years, etc. after a person's death?

I think that its just ritual of faith.
Japanese people believe Buddhism.
So, I think that's why we have death memorial services.